Understanding and Preparing for Bettermode's New API Rate Limits

Soheil Alavi

2 months ago · Posted in Announcements

Understanding and Preparing for Bettermode’s New API Rate Limits

Hi Everyone, :wave:

At Bettermode, we are committed to providing a stable and fair environment for all our users, which is why we are announcing an important update that will affect how you interact with our APIs. Starting June 1st, 2024, we will enforce API rate limits as outlined in our detailed API documentation. Here’s everything you need to know about this upcoming change and how it impacts you.

Why Are We Introducing API Rate Limits?

As our platform continues to grow, the need to maintain system stability and fairness in API usage becomes increasingly important. The implementation of rate limits ensures that all users have equitable access to our services, preventing any single user from consuming disproportionate resources that could affect the overall system performance.

Who Will Be Impacted?

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