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How Rome2rio works
Rome2rio searches any city, town, landmark, attraction or address across the globe
with thousands of multi-modal routes to easily get you from A to B.

We’ll help you get anywhere, even from Rome to Rio De Janeiro
Train Lines via
364 Train Operators

Bus Routes via
3,328 Bus Operators

Ferries via
531 Ferry Operators

Flight Paths via
670 Airlines

Rome2rio makes travel planning easy. We are a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world.

Enter any address, landmark, or city as your destination and we will instantly display all your travel and booking options, along with information about accommodation and things to do, in one convenient spot.

Whether you’re after flight, train, bus, ferry, rideshare or rental car info, we’ve got estimated prices, journey durations and booking details from over 5000 companies in more than 160 countries – making us one of the top online travel resources used globally.

Download our app, so you can plan your journey while you are on the road, wherever you are.
