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Address Details for Thalia 380 Happy Home, Shankar Matham Rd, Mumbai, MH, 400019, IN

The address “Thalia 380 Happy Home, Shankar Matham Rd, Mumbai, MH, 400019, IN” corresponds to the following details:

  • Address: Happy Home, 3rd Floor, Shankar Matham Road, Matunga (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400019.
    • This address is associated with Thalia Technologies Private Limited, as well as other companies such as Captain Properties And Investment Private Limited and Sangoi Leasing And Finance Private Limited.

Pin Code Information

The pin code for the address “Happy Home, 3rd Floor, Shankar Matham Road, Matunga (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400019” is 400019.

Additional Information

  • Registered Email Address: is the contact email associated with Thalia Technologies Private Limited and other related companies.
  • Company Registration: Thalia Technologies Private Limited is an Indian private company incorporated on 19/10/2012, and its registered office address is the aforementioned Happy Home address.
  • Other Companies: The address is also associated with other companies such as Captain Properties And Investment Private Limited and Sangoi Leasing And Finance Private Limited.

This information should provide a comprehensive overview of the address and its associated details. If you need further assistance, feel free to ask!