Numbers in Words Conversion Tool

Numbers in Words

Welcome to numbers in words , our website which tells you how to convert numbers to words. If you have been searching for number names, amount in words, or writing numbers, then you are right here, too. Read on to learn how to spell numbers, be it either as cardinal or ordinal, or simply numbers in English.

To change numbers to words we have to know whether the number you want to express represents a quantity or refers to the position or rank in an order of chronology, importance, size, etc.

When the numbers refers to the size of a group, e.g. hundred dollars or 101 dalmatians, in this case it is called a cardinal number , or numeral.

In contrasts, when the numbers functions as an adjective, describing the position of a person or object, then it is an ordinal, or ordinal number . For example, the third man or the fifth element.

How to Write Numbers in Words

As explained above, to write numbers in words we must know the kind of number under consideration. English numbers can denote an amount or quantity, as well as the position of something or somebody in a list.

A cardinal number says how many of something there is, e.g one, two, three dollars … , whereas a ordinal number tell the position of objects placed in order.

Examples: He finished third in the race exemplifies ranking (order). There were only two contestants refers to the size of the group (quantity).

Thus, in the former example we can see the use an ordinal, whereas in the second sentence and cardinal achieves the purpose.

Both, cardinal numbers as well as ordinal numbers are numerals, or English number words. Keep reading to learn all about numbers in words.

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers are zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty and so on.

For numbers in the range of 21 to 99 you add, separated by a hyphen, one, two, three etc after twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety:

For example: twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three, fifty-four, sixty-five, seventy-six, eighty-seven, ninety-eight etc.

The hundreds are regular, and the numeral hundred is always singular: one hundred, two one hundred, three hundred, etc.

The same applies to the thousands: one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, etc. as wells as the millions.

Note that after the hundreds comes the word “and” before the two digit numerals, e.g. two hundred and twelve. In US English, this “and” is omitted.

So, to write these numbers in words you either use or build the numeral which corresponds to the numerical representation.

For example, if you want to translate 55 in words, you simply connect fifty and five with a hyphen to get fifty-five. And in case of 11468 you write eleven thousand four hundred and sixty-eight.

In the next section of numbers to words we look at ordinals, the number adjectives so to speak. These numbers in words are equally important.

Ordinal Numbers

The ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 are first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

The ordinals from eleven to twenty are made by appending th to the cardinal number: eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, …

Numbers greater than twenty are built according to this rule:

If the last digit is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Append this st nd rd th th th th th th

For example, thirty-first (31st), forty-fifth (45th), but hundred and eleventh (111th).

As you can see, you can abbreviate these numerals in writing by adding the appendices st, nd, rd and th, taking into account the aforementioned rules.

Occasionally, these suffixes are written as superscript above the number itself: st, nd, rd and th. For example: The 2nd coin or the 12th amendment.

As special case is when counting starts with zero such as in computer science. In that case, zeroth (0th) makes sense to numbers in words.

BTW: Our frequent searches include, for example:

With this you know how to convert number to words for ordinals, too.

Writing Numbers in Words

The easiest way to find a number spelling is by enter the number in the search form on the sidebar of this page. Type x in words, with x the number you want to know in writing. Alternatively, you can enter how to spell x.

Once you are being taken to the result of numbers in words you will find the numerals along with useful information about the number under consideration. Actually, it’s more than a number to word converter.

You know now everything about writing numbers in words. Just ask yourself if the numbers stands for quantity or order. Next, choose either cardinals or ordinals to write numbers in words.

Numbers inWords

Conversion Tool with example : 0.3 Million in Numbers – 0.3 Million Written Out |