Live off your passion: earn extra money as a freelance photographer

Live off your passion: earn extra money as a freelance photographer or videographer

Take heartening pictures in your area: you work whenever you want for prestigious clients and get paid for it.

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Why join Meero?

Validation icon of the photographer registration

Independence: you choose the missions you prefer, you are your own boss

Validation icon of the photographer registration

Explore more: work with tens of prestigious clients from different industries

Validation icon of the photographer registration

Earn money right away: no delays in the payment

How does it work?

You receive a text with the details of the client and the shoot.

You meet with the client and shoot the restaurant, the apartment, the activity…

You upload your photographs on to our platform. THAT’S IT, we take care of the rest and you just have to wait for the money.

Join our community of professional photographers and videographers

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